We have knowledge and experience to handle commercial and residential mold abatement.
Exceptional customer service: More than just equipment.All the technology and equipment available today amount to nothing if not backed by the intangible offerings that define excellence in our industry:
- Sensitivity to customer needs
- Responsiveness
- Quality Control
- Service Guarantee
- Certificate of Satisfaction
Crawford Contractor Connection, the country`s largest insurance repair program, presented CNY
Fire Emergency Services with the prestigious "Contractor of the Year" award for 2006. Given to
only one insurance repair specialist company in the Northeast, CNY Fire Emergency Services was
recognized out of hundreds of competitors.
To receive the coveted "Contractor of the Year" award, CNY Fire Emergency Services was judged on
stringent, ojbective criteria: responsiveness to calls, knowledge, expertise, customer service and
overall performance.
While we are efficient and well-equipped, we know that the best disaster recovery efforts aren`t limited to property alone. That`s why we take extra care to treat each insured - who is typically and understandably under great duress - with the utmost respect, patience, and kindness.
ResponsivenessCNY FIRE has a complete insurance repair specialist team ready to respond immediately to emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And we keep our customers informed throughout every step of the project, staying abreast of tasks, schedules, and special needs.
Quality ControlDuring each job, a manager is assigned to check regularly on the progress and quality of the work being performed.
Service GuaranteeWe provide a written guarantee for all services performed: a minimum of one year for all services, and lifetime for all smoke and odor removal, we offer. Additionally, we provide written guarantees to meet the insurer`s standards.
Certificate of Satisfaction
No job is complete at CNY FIRE until our customer has signed a certificate of satisfaction. This indicates that the entire job has been completed to the total satisfaction of the customer and eliminates any further claims liability of the insurer.
Customer Questionnaire
We give every client the opportunity to critique our services through our customer questionnaire. Our response to the needs and observations it uncovers helps CNY FIRE to continue its leadership in customer satisfaction
Insurance AuditIn addition, every insurance company, agent, claims representative, and adjustor we serve has the opportunity to evaluate our services. We issue a published audit annually, which is available to the insurance industry.